Security Vs. Freedom: Which Will You Pick?

Security Vs. Freedom

Security vs. Freedom – Many spend their lives seeking for security, believing that security equals happiness. In actuality, playing it safe can be the most dangerous of paths. You can’t have true freedom when your primary motivator is security. The two are incompatible.

In his book, Creating A Life of Freedom Dr. Michael J. Duckett wrote, “Every person faces two doors in life. One is labeled ‘Security’ and the other is called ‘Freedom.’ It is up to each of us to choose, but let me tell you, the door labeled ‘Security’ is mislabeled. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the biggest lies in life.”

In the book, “Linchpin,” Seth Godin talks about the “lizard brain” … that part of our brains that served our ancestors who lived in dangerous times. The lizard brain wants to keep you safe. It doesn’t want you to do anything to rock the boat. Anything that might embarrass you, risk the status quo, or put you into any kind of perceived danger will cause the lizard brain to put up resistance.

The lizard brain comes in handy if you’re in a life or death situation like crossing a rattlesnake’s path. It is not helpful if you’re wanting to do something like speak in public, go for that promotion, or build your dream home.

The lizard brain may see these things as rocking the boat and putting you in danger. It can’t tell the difference between taking actions that are outside your comfort zone and going toe-to-toe with a saber-toothed tiger.

Yet, if you ever want to experience a life of freedom, you will need to confront things that are outside your comfort zone. In fact, you will need to confront everything!

“Freedom is only achieved when we face EVERYTHING in our lives head-on,” Dr. Michael J. Duckett, Existing in a State of Power.

Security vs. Freedom. Everyone faces two doors in life. One is labeled security and the other is labeled freedom. It is up to each of us choose, but let me tell you , the door labeled Security is mislabeled. As a matter of fact, it's one of the biggest lies in life.