Do you want to make positive changes in your life fast?
Everyone has negative thoughts. Everyone experiences disempowering situations every day that leave us feeling discouraged. Day after day, you make decisions that either forward your goals and dreams, or keep you stuck firmly in place.
The Mindset For Success affirmation program is an easy and effective solution to help you overcome negative self-talk, and subconscious scars of the past. This program will propel you into a powerful and prosperous futur fast!
Using the latest technologies, this program has been scientifically designed to help you bring about the powerful changes you want most in your life.
A unique combination of audible affirmations, subliminal affirmations (recorded but you can only hear them subconsciously), and Baroque music make this affirmation program one of the most powerful tools available today for an individual who wants quick results in changing belief patterns in his or her life.
Baroque music enhances the affects and assimilation of the affirmations into the subconscious mind. In the 1950’s, a Bulgarian scientist named Dr. Laznov, was commissioned by the Russian Government to figure out a way to speed up the learning process. He discovered that Baroque Music could speed up the learning process by as much as 50 times.
Field research has shown that affirmation programs work extremely well with everyone. They are safe to use while driving in your car, relaxing at home and in your office, or during meditation. Regardless of where you listen to this powerful affirmation program, you will discover amazing changes in your life for the better in a very short time.
34 minute Audio Program
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